Friday, July 20, 2007

Young dating

Relationships are a funny thing. Funnier yet? The palethera of young men I chose for various past relationships. I had no type. There is no rhyme or reason to the "chosen ones" except for the stage I was at in my life.

14- young, naive- I fell for the popular, tall, good looking- all around American Guy. That is until, like all young 1st loves at 14 years old- died. I cried into my pillow- my heart smashed into pieces- that is, for a few weeks- until I fell for guy #2 - Mr. Sensitive actor. He was a few years older and I fell HARD. We read Shakespear, talked about various philosophers, the deeper meaning of life. When the snow fell- he offered to carry me in his arms so my feet wouldn't get wet. I declined- the sole reason- there was no way Mr. Actor had the physical strength or physique to even pick me up. Ours was a whirlwind courtship - the first guy to say "I love you". Poetry readings by moonlight- dances under the stars- and verbal passion. Declarations of love- followed by heated, intense arguments. Such a thin line between love and hate. The relationship went sour when he broke up with me to go off to college. I gave him back his class ring- only to watch him throw it into the shrubs in my yard, dramatically stating, "If you don't have it- I don't want any girl to!" He compared himself to the song "Bohemian Rhapsody"--- telling me when he "found" himself- he'd be back for me. He drove away with my heart that fatal afternoon. The ending of that relationship truly broke something inside of me for good- that i never recovered. It was more painful than any other relationship ending to date. Life moved forward--- 2 years I pined for Mr. Sensitive Actor. I remember clearly the day his wedding invitation came- I could not bear to open it- much less actually go to his happily ever after.

2 years later- having lost all hope of ever finding the passion of the past- I met Mr. Ordinary. A little pudgy- not tall at all- wearing a baseball cap and tshirt quite consistently. He was my best friend- and he loved me unconditionally. I was not attracted to him outwardly but he was the best kisser I'd ever had. How can you have a physical connection w/ someone you don't find physically attractive? It was pure craziness. This guy was the real deal... after 2 years- he wanted to marry me. I had very little reason not to- but I kept thinking, "would if there's someone more..." More what? I wasn't sure- just MORE. 2 1/2 years later- I let him go.... and crushed him unintentionally like Mr. Actor had crushed me.

I learned important lessons in those formidable years- the outside appearance has little to do w/ the inside- you can find true love early- dating can be a crushing experience- but you grow, laugh, love and change all the while. And oh yeah- you'll never be the same again. Each guy that came along in my life- taught me something- for there were many more interesting ones that came along-

Mr. Brooding/tough guy
Mr. non-commital artist
Mr. ex-body builder
yeah- I even had a Mr. Internet boy, what can i say?

But those stories---- will be left up to your imagination!

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